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Nous réalisons également vos Ã©vénements familiaux ou professionnels comme anniversaires, baptême, communions, mariages ou réunions. Live the instant magic of the exterior and the tranquility and intimacy of our own paradise, entourage of vignobles.


Additional formulas possible: Location du domaine seul for your party (parking, boulodrome, swimming pool, outdoor pool, terraces, gardens and the courtyard), with a maximum capacity of 120 people

Location du domaine comme ci-dessus, with accommodations for 44 people with gîtes and tentes équipées.


Depending on the project, you are ready to propose a personalized solution.


avis mariage 2019:

Un mariage magique

A domaine magnifique with access to all the prestations (piscine, fresh air, coin apéritif with plenty of ombragé and coin repas with a scene. The domaine is great with achalandé).

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